Story Master Class

100 %
1 år

Story Master Class är en 1-årig distansyrkesutbildning i manus och dramaturgi för kommersiell spelfilm och dramaserier. Här får du unika möjligheter och verktyg att finslipa ditt berättande och utveckla din yrkesroll som manusförfattare för spelfilm och dramaserier.

Under året får du personlig handledning och undervisning av världens mest kända manusförfattare och dramaturger.

Utbildningen riktar sig till dig med uppvisade kunskaper och/eller yrkeserfarenhet som manusförfattare. 

Undervisningsspråket är engelska och merparten av undervisningen sker på distans.

About Story Master Class in English.





100 %


1 år


Eftergymnasial nivå (B1)

Antal platser


Viktiga datum


25 augusti 2025–5 juni 2026


15 januari–30 april 2025

Om utbildningen

Story Master Class ger dig kunskaper, inspiration, insikter, tekniker och personlig coachning av den amerikanska filmindustrins bästa och mest namnkunniga lärare i manus och dramaturgi.

Vid fyra tillfällen under utbildningen träffas vi fysiskt för workshops och seminarier.

Under utbildningen får du utveckla och skriva en långfilm och en dramaserie. 

I slutet av läsåret får du möjlighet att presentera projekt för några av Sveriges mest erkända produktionsbolag och filmproducenter.

Under läsåret får du:

  • Undervisning och personlig handledning av Hollywoods allra främsta instruktörer
  • Fördjupade kunskaper i konceptutveckling
  • Tillämpa verktyg och tekniker som berikar din story och ökar din effektivitet
  • Lära dig marknadsföra och sälja manus och idéer med professionell säljargumentation (pitch)
  • Lära dig bygga en plattform som yrkesverksam manusförfattare

Målet med utbildningen

Målet med utbildningen är att ge dig kunskaper, inspiration, insikter, tekniker och personlig coachning av den internationella filmindustrins bästa och mest namnkunniga instruktörer i manus & dramaturgi och att du efter året kommer ha en projekt redo för att presentera för producenter och produktionsbolag.

Utbildningen innehåller

Screenwriting Bootcamp intensive I

Under en vecka går manusdeltagarna igenom grunderna i att berätta en visuell historia, varvat med mer avancerade dramaturgiska verktyg som kommer vässa deras berättande ytterligare. Veckan bjuder också på föreläsningar med internationell föreläsare och workshops där alla deltagare på Story möts och diskuterar sina koncept.

Screenwriting intensive

Det här är en fortsättning på bootcampveckan, där fler dramaturgiska verktyg gås igenom från olika internationella välrenommerade föreläsare med olika utgångspunkter för hur en historia för film kan berättas. Målet med kursen är att ge deltagarna en överblick över olika dramaturgiska verktyg som man behöver för att kunna berätta en visuell historia.

Immersion Screenwriting

Den här 10-veckorskursen handlar om att läsa och analysera professionella manus, både långfilm och serie-piloter, och skriva en analys om vad man kan lära sig av manuset utifrån: koncept, tema, struktur, karaktärer, ton, språk och stil.

Screenwriting Bootcamp intensive II

Under en vecka kommer manusdeltagarna fördjupa sina kunskaper kring hur en historia berättas. Det kommer göras genom att studenterna tittar på ett antal filmer och utifrån dessa kommer den internationella föreläsaren visa på mer avancerade berättartekniska komponenter. Det kommer även att förekomma workshops där dessa komponenter appliceras och diskuteras.

Story creation - First feature

Den här fjortonveckors kursen går ut på att tillsammans med internationella välrenommerade instruktörer utveckla och skriva en första manusversion. Deltagarna får kontinuerlig feedback genom hela processen av både sina manuskollegor som av instruktörerna. Målet i slutet av kursen är att en första manusversion ska bli klar och att deltagarna får konstruktiv feedback inför kommande rewrite.

TV Writing Bootcamp intensive + TV Writing Intensive

Under tre veckor kommer deltagarna få fördjupa sig i hur man skapar en tvserie utifrån olika dramaturgiska principer. Veckan varvas med föreläsningar och workshops med inbjudna internationella föreläsare. Målet är att få olika verktyg i hur en serie utvecklas och skrivs och genom flera föreläsningar förstå hur en tv-serie är uppbyggd.

Rewrite Feature

Under femton veckor kommer manusförfattarna att göra en rewrite av sitt långfilmsmanus utifrån den feedback de fått av sina instruktörer, manusdeltagare samt från professionell script reader. Efter denna version kommer de få en extern coverage från en script reader.

Drama Series

Under femton veckor kommer deltagarna att tillsammans med internationella instruktörer arbeta fram ett koncept, en serie bibel samt ett pilotavsnitt till en timmes dramaserie. Målet med kursen är att förstå hur en dramaserie utvecklas genom hela processen samt att få fram ett material för att kunna presentera för branschen.

Pitch Bootcamp intensive

Under en vecka kommer deltagarna vässa sina kunskaper när det gäller att pitcha, sälja in sin långfilm eller tv-serie. Deltagarna kommer att under professionell handledning från internationell kunnig executive producent finslipa sina presentationer.

Pitch and market

Under två veckor kommer deltagarna få föreläsningar och workshops i hur du som manusförfattare presenterar ditt material för producent och produktionsbolag. Målet med kursen är att få inblick kring hur livet är som manusförfattare utanför utbildningen. Hur du startar företag, hur du söker pengar, kontrakt och avtal etc.

Lecturer & instructors
Arvid Unsgaard

Discipline head, instructor
Arvid has built up and is the creator of Story Academy on Gotland. Arvid has worked with films for over 25 years and on several scripting projects, for example, for the Swedish film industry. Arvid Unsgaard’s films have been acclaimed in the media and have won many international awards.

Paolo Vacirca
Lecturer, Instructor
Paolo Vacirca works as a screenwriter, executive producer, and story developer at the Scandinavian Content Group. He has worked as a development manager at AB Svensk Filmindustri. Paolo has written many scripts for assignments. He has wrung credits for Hypnotist, Abomination, and latest the horror movie Feed.

Karel Segers
Lecturer, Instructor
Karel Segers is a story consultant, writer, and producer. Karel is also a certified teacher whose lectures have inspired students worldwide. His clients include award-winning filmmakers, of which three Oscar nominees. He has writing credits for Danger Close.

Steve Mazur
Lecturer, Instructor
Mazur has taught screenwriting for the past ten years, including four years at AFI and five years with the Professional Writing Program at USC. He’s written or co-written scripts for Universal, DreamWorks, Warner Bros., MGM, Imagine, Paramount, Sony, CBS, A&E, Spike TV, and Disney, including LIAR, LIAR, and the latest ”The Philosophy of Phil.”

Paul Gulino
Lecturer, Instructor
Honing his skills through writing for the theater and practicing the craft as taught by Frank Daniel and Milos Forman, Screenwriting, he says, isn’t a craft you can learn from a book. ”The best way is to learn from someone who knows the craft, so you can see how theories can be applied to your work.”

Karen Janszen
She teaches part-time at the AFI; her screenwriting credits include Mars, Dolphin Tale, Gracie, A Walk To Remember, The Matchmaker, And From The Earth To The Moon. Duma was named a top ten pick of 2005 by the LA Times.

Thomas Pemberton
Lecturer, Instructor
Professional Script Developer with a decade of experience working on all aspects of the script development process. Currently working as a Development Executive for Kevin DeWalt at Mind’s Eye Entertainment, He has also worked as a reader for BBC, Channel Four, STV, and HBO Europe.

William Rabkin
Lecturer, Instructor
Veteran TV writer/showrunner William Rabkin is the author of the best-selling Writing the Pilot and Writing the Pilot: Creating the Series. He is an associate professor of television writing. Twice nominated for the Edgar Award by the Mystery Writers of America, he is currently developing and writing a 12-episode thriller for Chinese television and consulting for a major Dutch production company.

Neil Landau
Lecturer, Instructor
Award-winning screenwriter and executive producer. He was also known as the author of”The TV Showrunner’s Roadmap” and ”screenwriters roadmap. Neil has taught at both UCLA and USC and was dean at UCLA.

Bob Schultz
Lecturer, Instructor
Bob Schultz has spent more than a decade as a screenwriter, producer, screenwriting professor, and organizer of more than 25 screenwriting conferences in Canada, the USA, and the UK. He has taught screenwriting, pitching, story structure, and independent producing in a dozen countries worldwide.

Jeff Kitchen
Lecturer, Instructor
Jeff has taught thousands of students from Broadway to Hollywood. Jeff was classically trained as a playwright in the works of Aristotle and the legendary Broadway script doctor, W.T. Price, who, in the early 1900s, established the world’s only playwriting school. Price instructed twenty-eight students, and twenty-four of them had hits on Broadway. So why wasn’t everyone studying him? Price’s complex techniques and thinking processes were not easily understood.

José Silerio
José Silerio, a screenwriter who served as Blake Snyder’s Development Director, has been integral to the success of Blake’s workshops and classes as he worked alongside Blake schooling writers in the Cat! Method. “José is my right-hand man when it comes to script consultations.”– Blake Snyder.

Jen Grisanti
International speaker Jen Grisanti is an acclaimed Story/Career Consultant at Jen Grisanti Consultancy Inc., a Writing Instructor for Writers on the Verge at NBC, and a former 12-year studio executive, including VP of Current Programming at CBS/Paramount. Grisanti started her career in 1992 as an assistant to Aaron Spelling. She covered all Spelling’s shows, including Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, Charmed, Medium, Numbers, NCIS, 4400, and Girlfriends.

Chris Vogler
Chris is a Hollywood development executive, screenwriter, author, and educator, best known for working with Disney and his screenwriting guide, The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers, from 2007.

Kira-Anne Pelican 

Accomplished screenwriter, author, and psychology consultant specializing in character development for film and television. With a PhD in Screenwriting and extensive expertise in psychology, she brings a unique, research-driven approach to creating complex, authentic characters. Kira-Anne has worked with major studios and independent filmmakers, providing in-depth psychological insights to enhance character authenticity and storytelling impact. She is also the author of The Science of Writing Characters, a comprehensive guide that merges psychological theory with practical tools for writers, widely regarded as a valuable resource for professionals in the industry.

Guest speakers & instructors

Some of all the guest teachers and instructors we had through the years. Many of them are returning.

Dan Attias
Episode Director for 100 + episodes

Chris Mack
Q/A Lecture
Director, Creative Talent Investment & Development at Netflix

Masako Masuda
Set designer with work from Avengers, Jurassic Park, Benjamin Button, West world, House of cards, and much more.

Neil Landau
Screenwriter, producer, teacher, and author, The showrunners roadmap.

José Silerio
The screenwriter worked tight with Blake Snyder and his Save the cat method.

Chris Vogler
He was working with Disney and his screenwriting guide, The Writer’s Journey.

Erik Bork
Lecturer, Instructor
HBO miniseries Band of Brothers and From the Earth to the Moon won two Emmy and two Golden Globe Awards as part of the producing team.

Iris Yamashita
Lecturer, Instructor
Clint Eastwood hired her to write the Japanese side of the story of Letters from Iwo Jima. She was nominated in 2007 for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

Karl Iglesias
Best-selling author. He teaches at UCLA Extension’s Writers’ Program. He writes a regular column on the craft for Creative Screenwriting magazine.

Börje Hansson
Swedish producer with over a hundred titles.

Robert Bryant
A game developer who has worked for years and written the book ”slay the dragon” about how to register for games.

Steven Katz
Author of the best-selling film directing book Shot by shot.

Alvaro Rodriquez
The screenwriter is most known for ”from dusk to dawn the series and Machete.

Anders Lennberg
Swedish screenwriter and Director. He is known for his newest movies, Pool and Same Same.

Michael Colleary
Screenwriter and producer - who wrote the classic movie Faceoff.

Marco Cyris
He has been Nicholas’s cage stand-in for ten years. For movies like Adaptation, Lord of war, National treasure, Matchstick man, Super 8, etc.

Carole Kirschner
Lecturer, instructor
The Director of America’s Showrunner Training Program & CBS Diversity Writers Mentoring Program. I have heard over 3,000 pitches, bought hundreds of projects, and was involved in developing dozens of television series.

Jennifer Graeser
Jennifer is a screenwriter, author, speaker, and forensic specialist.

Kathie Fong Yoneda
Lecturer, instructor
30+ years of industry experience, executive positions with Walt Disney Studios, Touchstone, Island Pictures, and Walt Disney TV Animation.

Warren Lewis
Screenwriter with credits as Black rain and 13th warrior.

Billy Mernit
Lecturer, Instructor
Screenwriter, author, story analyst at Universal, and award-winning teacher at UCLA Extension.

Soni Jörgensen
Lecturer, Instructor
Soni Jorgensen is a Swedish screenwriter working for producers in the US, Europe, and Sweden. She received her training at the USC Graduate Screenwriting Program.

Malin Nevander
Head of drama development at the Swedish television.

Paul Chitlik
Screenwriter and expert in the rewrite process.

Johan Brisinger
A Swedish Screenwriter, director, and producer. With much production in his portfolio.

Alexander Kantsjö
A Swedish Screenwriter who worked on the famous series ”Jordskott.”

Stephanie Varella
Story developer for series on shows like; without a trace, cold case, CSI, and Fearless.

Cindy Mollo
Experienced film and series editor, with titles such as Ozark, Book of Eli, House of cards, and Madmen.

Steven Bernstein
Is an American cinematographer, director, and screenwriter. Known for the movie Monster and the upcoming movie The Last call.

Cilla Jacket
One of the most experienced Swedish Screenwriter with titles such as ”Vår tid är nu,” Känn Ingen Sorg, Molander, and ”Tunna blå linjen”.

Filip Hammarström
Executive producer and showrunner most known for Jordskott.

Mikhail Krichman
Photographer for movies like Leviatan, The return, and loveless.

Steve Kaplan
Steve Kaplan has been one of the industry’s most sought-after experts on comedy.

David Sacks
Emmy award Screenwriter and producer with credits for the Simpson, 3rd rock from the sun, Malcolm in the middle, and the new Final Space.

David N Weiss
A screenwriter who was written Shrek 2.

David Trottier
He is a produced screenwriter, top script consultant, and award-winning teacher.

Jeff Schechter
He is an American screenwriter and executive producer with credits in the series Stitchers, Overruled.

Douglas Soesbo
He is a screenwriter and former Story analyst at Universal Picture. Writer credits for the movie Boulevard with Robbin Williams.

Linda Aronson
She is an Award-winning Scriptwriter, Playwright, and Novelist. Teachers & consults on screenwriting internationally.

Linda Seger
A legendary screenwriting & story coach and screenplay consultant.

Bob Schultz
He is a producer and screenwriter, and experienced pitch lecturer.

Danny Rubin
The screenwriter is most known for Groundhog Day.

Sign Olynik
She is a producer and screenwriter known for Below Zero.

Chris Soth
Screenwriter and lecturer who is mainly known for his mini-movie method.

Bob Dolman
He is a writer and producer known for Willow, Drömmarnas horisont, and SCTV Network 90.

Voices from lectures
Story Academy produces exceptional, high-caliber scripts that consistently impress.

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Storyutbildningen Story Academy and Arvid Unsgaard for several years, and the experience has been outstanding. The quality and professionalism from this program are exceptional.

As a Los Angeles-based screenplay analysis service, we’ve evaluated works from top US university programs like UCLA and USC. Yet, Storyutbildningen’s students consistently impress us with their advanced storytelling skills and high-caliber scripts.

Coverage Ink highly recommends Storyutbildningen Story Academy. Their students’ work is consistently top-notch, showcasing profound storytelling and excellent script presentation.

— Jim Cerile, Partner, Coverage

Story Academy is the best screenwriting programme I’ve seen in 20 years. The students' professional level is remarkable

To say that ’ve been overwhelmingly impressed by the way that Arvid runs Story Academy is a massive understatement. He has put together what I can only describe as the best screenwriting programme I have had the pleasure of working on in my 20 years teaching screenwriting in Masters programmes and development labs, predominantly in the UK, but also across the world. I have consistently commented to colleagues in the UK that there is something really extraordinary about Story Accident, not only in its selection of students, but also in the way that they are developed in their craft and that we should all be looking at Story Academy as the exemplary and most prestigious European screenwriting programme. Arvid has not only brought together a first-class series of teachers, and compiled an excellent learning and development programme, he is clearly an exceptional teacher himself. Many of the students that I have recently worked with at Story Academy are writing at the calibre of the professional writers that I work with in the UK film and TV industries and this really is a phenomenal achievement as it usually takes many years of practice after a postgraduate screenwriting programme to reach this level. For many months, I imagined that Arvid must have a sizeable admin team working for him behind the scenes. It was only in my last conversation with Arvid that he confirmed he runs the course alone. How Arvid does this remains a mystery to me, but it is very, very, very impressive.

— Kira-Anne Pelican, Screenwriter and author

Voices from former course participants

Story Academy Masterclass provides an excellent opportunity to focus on feature film and TV-series screenplay development with renowned scholars and industry leaders. The flexible and well-designed yearly structure allows you to work on your two major projects while participating in various, inspiring workshops to keep you afloat in your highly intensive writing process. The classmates are a great bonus on this journey as they bring their versatility in their writing and provide great feedback across the board.

— Kaan Organmat

At Story Academy we’ve had exceptional mentors as well as guest lecturer’s including Hollywood screenwriters such as Christopher Vogler, Paul Gulino and Stephen Mazur. It’s been an amazing journey, that has given me a lot of tools to improve my writing. My classmates have been very supportive, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing their stories take form. This Masterclass has exceeded all expectations. You won’t find anything like this anywhere else.

— Josephine Hoj

Story Masterclass has been an amazing experience, I’m still awed by the teachers we’ve had, people whose books about screenwriting I had read earlier, but never thought I would interact with face to face. The feedback and different views on screenwriting that they have given me have been invaluable and made my writing much more confident.

— Anna Söder

StoryAcademy manages to be both very hands on, and highly theoretical at the same time. Both my skills and my scripts are many times better after the MasterClass course!

— Henrik Summanen

I’m so glad that I got the opportunity to attend the Story Masterclass. It has lived up to everything it said it would and so much more. During this year we’ve had the opportunity to work with so many amazing lecturers and mentors that really meet the highest of international standards. Especially Thomas Pemberton who has been so dedicated and caring for all of our stories. I couldn’t ask for anything better than that.

— Tobias Björklund Lehto

Before attending Story Academy I didn’t know anything about writing screenplays, only that I wanted to do it. Several bad ideas and even worse executions of them later, and I’m now in contact with producers interested in my writing. I owe it all to the terrific instructors, lecturers and mentors at the school and the opportunities Story Academy has given me.

— Nathan Langenheim

Story Masterclass gave me the possibility to fully expand my filmmaking within screenwriting. From the most established teachers I learned fundamental and extensive insights about everything needed to feel safer with my writing. While developing my own ideas I got support in everything from creating story arcs to writing dialogues. While the first half a year gave me a safe space to develop my feature, the second half was followed by one eye opener after another about series development. Arvid Unsgaard who put together this program created something entirely great and unique here.

— Dennis Stormer

Två personer sitter och skriver på en laptop tillsammans. Foto.
Närbild. Hög med manus och böcker. Foto.

Bra att veta


Du söker till kursen genom att klicka på ansökknappen. Du kommer då vidare till Schoolsoft. Du måste skapa ett schoolsoftkonto om du inte har ett sen tidigare.


Du som söker ska ha:

  • 3-årigt gymnasium eller motsvarande,
  • yrkeserfarenhet avseende manus & dramaturgi eller liknande,
  • skrivit manus för kortfilm, spelfilm eller dramaserie.

I din ansökan till Story Master Class ska du bifoga:

  • CV och betyg eller kursintyg från tidigare utbildning.
  • Eventuellt arbetsbetyg/-intyg, exempelvis rekommendationsbrev på max 1 A4. 
  • Personligt brev på engelska, max 1 A4. Brevet kan utformas fritt, men ska innehålla:
    • En beskrivning av vem du är och varför du söker utbildningen.
    • En beskrivning av vilka erfarenheter du har av att arbeta med manus
    • En beskrivning var du befinner dig yrkesmässigt om 5 år
  • Arbetsprover OBS! alla arbetsprover ska skrivas på engelska
  • 2 långfilmskoncept på max 1 A4-sida vardera. Bifoga en scen i manusformat på max 2 A4-sidor för varje koncept.
  • 2 koncept för dramaserier på max 1 A4-sida vardera. Bifoga en scen i manusformat på max 2 A4-sidor för varje koncept.

Sammanställ alla arbetsprover i en pdf med sidnumrering. Namnge dokumentet med ditt namn samt personnummer

Mer information om ansökan.


Vi tillämpar en löpande antagning och du kan bli kallad till intervju personligen eller via telefon redan innan ansökningsperioden är slut.

Besked om antagning sker löpande men ska ha nått alla i slutet av juni, med undantag för restplatser som kan erbjudas fram till kursstart.


Undervisningen vid folkhögskolan är kostnadsfri.


Som deltagare på Story Master Class betalar du en fast avgift på 9 500 kr/läsår. Avgiften täcker kostnader för material, teknik och andra kursrelaterade utgifter. 


Under studiefinansiering kan du läsa om hur du söker studiemedel. Studiestödsnivån på story är: Eftergymnasial nivå (B1)


Porträtt. Fotografi.
Arvid Unsgaard
Linjeledare och lärare

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Gotlands Folkhögskola

Folkbildning sedan 1876 där människor, kulturer, livsvillkor och intressen möter varandra. Vi är en del av Region Gotland.

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