
June 30–July 18

Participate in a research project around the topic of the Gotlandic farm, with excavations of houses and settlements from Viking Age to Middle Ages. The project is led by Associate Professor Dan Carlsson who has extensive experience of archaeology on Gotland.

The course is 3 weeks long and dedicated to beginners as well as more experienced diggers from Sweden and elsewhere. Activities include fieldwork, lectures and excursions. Working languages is Swedish and English.

Follow the link to read the full project description

Find out more on

About the course

  • Course place

    Hemse, southern Gotland 

  • Course time

    Monday June 30 until Friday July 18

  • Application

    The course might be fully booked before the last date to apply, so remember to make an early application. 

  • Fee

    The total fee is SEK 28 93

    • Course fee: SEK 14 683 (including lunch, dinner and morning & afternoon coffee).
    • Accommodation: SEK 14 250 kr (including sheets and towels and breakfast)
  • Field course director

    Associate Professor 
    Dan Carlsson
    Phone: +46(0)70 311 80 32
    E-mail: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

    Field Supervisor
    MA Alice Rosa Brusin
    E-mailDen här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

  • Contact the school

    Do you have general questions about the school, payment, course registration or want to cancel your aplication?

    Contact the school office

    Phone: +46(0)498-20 36 50
    E-mail: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

  • Questions about the accommodation

    Do you have questions about accommodation or the food?

    Contact boarding director Daniel Malm

    Phone: +46(0)498-20 36 50
    Email: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.


KursID arkeologi25
Startdatum 2025-06-30
Slutdatum 2025-07-18

Vi erbjuder B&B inklusive frukost, lakan och handduk.

Pris: 14250 SEK

Pris: 14683 SEK

Betalning sker via Swedbank Pay
(kort eller Swish)

Gotlands Folkhögskola

Folkbildning sedan 1876 där människor, kulturer, livsvillkor och intressen möter varandra. Vi är en del av Region Gotland.

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